Wednesday 26 April 2017

Recovery continuing nicely

Another hospital visit, another step towards normality. The main thing I'm watching these days is my lymphocyte count. The expectation is that this will return to normal levels a year to a year and a half after the transplant. Well, I'm in that timeframe now and, right on cue, my Lymphocyte levels have risen to the low end of normal. I'm hugely encouraged by this, as for a while I thought it would never budge from its low levels. Definitely another big step in the right direction.

Now to watch the chimerism. As I produce more lymphocytes, I want to see the ratio of new ones to old get to the point that my old lymphocytes are undetectable. This will finally mean that the old lymphocytes, which mutated and became cancerous, are gone - and hopefully the Lymphoma gone with them.

I'm feeling really good these days. Cocky enough to increase my responsibilities at work too. Although I still need to take it slowly and carefully, as I still hit the fatigue wall if I push myself too hard - often by 3pm if I've been busy all day at work (I start these days at 7am).

Still a long way to go, but I'm slowly beginning to come round to the idea that this transplant might just have done the trick......