Saturday 23 September 2017

Checking In - still going well

It's been three months since my last post and there really isn't much to report. All is going really well, although I had a little scare last month when I found a lump on my arm. This is still being checked out (am awaiting an ultrasound), but the suspicion is it's a lipid or some other kind of fibrous growth, as there are no main lymph nodes where I have the lump (on my bicep).

The lump did prompt a CT scan and this came back completely clear. One thing that was noted was that my spleen is slightly enlarged - but we knew that already and we doubt it'll ever go back to normal after the stretching it got in 2015 when I last relapsed. A larger spleen is the new normal for me.

My journey to handling full-on pressure and workload at work continues and I think I have reached the level of output and productivity that I had before this all started six years ago. I still ensure (as in my previous post) that I am in control of my hours worked and stress levels as I never want to go back to the stressful days of old. Make time for all of life (and enjoy it) is my motto!

Another observation - my hair has very little grey these days. I am convinced (as is my hairdresser) that it is getting darker all the time (and I promise I'm not dying it!). Great while it lasts, but I am expecting my hair follicles to give in suddenly one day and I will wake up with a completely grey head of hair! Either that, or my name is Dorian Gray and there is a picture of me in the attic that is getting older while I am getting younger - I'll have a look and will report back :-)


  1. Hiya Trev :) Absolutely delighted to hear all is hunky dory! I do wonder though - has Sue been mixing something into your shampoo?!

  2. Hi Trevor,
    this is Thomas from Switzerland. Firstly congrats to your great success going through and overcoming this. I am in a very similar situation as you have been at your first relapse, and based on your posts on the lymphoma forum, your thoughts prior first relapse are very much what concerns me niw. I am in my late 40ties, have relapsed after 3 years of initial B-R therapie. I am struggling since weeks if I should first take the autologous SCT, or directly go to the allo-SCT. Was that ever a question you asked yourself ? Would be great to hear your opinion. Your case is one of the stories really helping me, confirming my own thoughts I already had before my relapse ��. I also feel quite fit to make it in any case through the procedures.
    Best regards

    1. Hi Tom,
      Really sorry for the slow reply. For some reason, your post was marked as spam, so it did not appear here. Sorry to hear about your relapse. Have you decided on which transplant to go for? Looking back, I don;t think I would change my decision to go for the auto first - it's less complicated as you don't have to worry about graft vs host, but it comes with a lower cure rate. I think it's worth having a go. However, if by now you have decided to go down the allograft route, then this is fine too - it's just more life changing (new blood type, immune system, etc).
      If you would like to discuss further then we can get in touch as it's a bigger conversation that we can have on this blog (email me on
      (P.S. where in Switzerland are you? I have a good friend in Zurich and was there just before Christmas - perhaps we passed on the street!)
