Wednesday 24 August 2016

Baby Jabs - they were bad enough the first time

Waah! Started my baby jabs today. Not many people get a second go at these, so I was determined not to cry this time :-)

Polio, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, pneumococcal, haemophilius influenza, meningococcal group - just for starters. Two shots in one arm, one shot in the other. this goes on monthly until February. Then I get a break for a year before I have my MMR jabs.

It stung a little, but I was brave. And I got a sticker and a lollipop.


  1. You should have had them in your butt, I could go on and make some sordid jokes but I'm told I'm better than that 😀 Good to hear from you again Trev

  2. The jabs are nothing compared with the SCT x2 Trevor.That's real bravery! U R A 🌟.

  3. The jabs are nothing compared with the SCT x2 Trevor.That's real bravery! U R A 🌟.
