Saturday 5 March 2016

First full week out of hospital

Tomorrow, I will have managed a full week at home. No fevers or anything that worried me, so it was overall a good week. The main thing affecting me these days is fatigue - I still don't have the energy for much and spend a lot of my time on the couch. I tried some washing up on Tuesday, but I think I reacted to it, so I won't chance that again anytime soon. Luckily I have an understanding wife who ties me to the chair and beats me - I mean who understands that I'm still recovering from a transplant :-)
I did have to go to the hospital on Wednesday and Friday for routine appointments. The doctors are happy with my progress and it's good to know that my (new) blood levels are rising nicely. Friday's visit didn't go as I expected - I blew chunks all over the Day Treatment Unit because I reacted to an antibiotic they gave me. I'm due to have the same antibiotic in a month's time and I am going to push hard to get a different one next time - unless they want their walls painted a different colour!
I have noticed that my appetite is very slowly returning. I managed a bacon sandwich for lunch today and I actually liked it. I am also starting to drink more water. I'm hoping that all of this will combine to improve my energy levels soon. It'll be nice to get out of the house for a few walks. I still need to be careful when I venture out as my immune system is very weak due to the immuno-suppressant drugs I'm on. I will need to avoid crowded places and anyone with an illness (such as hospitals!).
Speaking of immuno-suppressant drugs, so far, I haven't noticed any major Graft Vs Host problems, so they're doing their job. It'll be interesting to see if anything flares up in about a month's time when they start to wean me off the drugs.........


  1. Great news Trevor. Just stay away from dirty dishes a really sauces of infection.......
    X Linda and Roy

  2. Good progress Trevor.Hope it continues & you manage to stay clear of any bugs now.

  3. Thanks for the update, Trev. Love you.

  4. Sounds like a great week Trev, lets go for two in a row!

  5. Great to hear things are good, shame about the washing up, but best that you keep away from those dirty dishes!

  6. Excellent news Trev, great to hear you're on the mend. Your energy levels will increase in time I'm sure, until then keep looking after yourself and taking it easy

  7. I haven't had bacon in so long!
