Sunday 27 March 2016

Tubeless Trev

For the first time since the start of November, I have no tubes sticking out of me. The PICC line and Hickman lines have now been removed and the last of the associated stitches were taken out on Wednesday.
It's great to be able to have a proper shower again. I haven't been able to have a shower since January because the Hickman line made it so awkward (don't worry - I have been washing myself in the meantime :-) )
Although, sometimes I needed to wash more frequently - especially when the kids decided they wanted to draw on my head. Below is Aishling's attempt to turn me into a leopard....


  1. Keep the leopard spots but grow your hair in the same pattern 😄

  2. Good to see you've gone wireless, Trev 2.0
    Sorry bit of IT 'humour' there, couldn't help myself. Great to see you doing well, keep up the good work. D

  3. This is good news Trevor.Is there no end to Aishling's artistic skills?! This is a good stop gap until you have hair again - you could start a new trend! Keep up the good progress.

  4. Glad to see you are the family canvass. I bet you went through a ton of wet wipes in the absence of a shower... cancel that ocado order :)
