Thursday 30 June 2016

Back up and running

Well, it looks like it was a virus that took me a month to shift - and nothing more sinister. It makes sense because my lymphocytes are very low - these are the little fighters that recognise and attack viruses, and it is expected that they are low as this is the side effect of the transplant and the suppression of the immune system.

So this means that I am prone to viral infections and, once I get them, slow to get over them. They will also affect me worse as I can't effectively fight them. I suppose I learned a lesson the hard way over the past month and will now take it more seriously than perhaps I have been. But also, I don't want to turn into a hypochondriac who flips out anytime I see someone with a cold. I will be sensible, but will keep an eye out for people with sniffles, cough, etc and leave the room/area if necessary. I should also expect to get some more viral episodes before my immune system has fully recovered - which could take another year or more.

On the positive side, I'm over the most recent virus and feel good again. I've started walking the dog again and will restart jogging in a few days' time. I really love feeling healthy - don't take it for granted!


  1. Ah, good news, ya can't beat it :) Delighted to hear it Trev!

  2. So good to see you and the kids last weekend....did Aish get some sculpting in when you got back home ?

    1. She wanted to, but we had no materials

    2. Will your lymphocyte count eventually return to more normal levels and increase your resilience?

    3. It will Tony, but it'll take time (a year or more, perhaps)

  3. Awesome news Trev! Don't take health for granted, wise words indeed. Enjoy your time exercising outdoors

  4. Wise words, and glad you are feeling better. Definitely don't take it for granted, there are some nasty bugs out there. I've had a lingering one for nearly two weeks now, I can't imagine what it might have done to someone with a suppressed system.

  5. Having a cold is awful. This last year was particularly hard on my wife who also has a suppressed immune system due to health issues. You’re right to be cautious around people with a cold. We’ve become chronic hand washers to stave off germs. Also, finding a balance between obsessive and vigilant about germs can be tricky. Good Luck!
