Friday 17 June 2016

Still rough - taking the bad with the good

Looking back through my previous posts, I started to feel rough around the end of May/start of June, and here I am on June 17th still not feeling right. The cough that brought me into hospital is still lingering, and my temperature has been hovering close to the point where the hospital will want me to go back in. This just doesn't seem to be improving. After talking to the docs on Wednesday about this, it might boil down to one of three things:

  1. My immune system is still too weak to quickly rid me of infections, and it will eventually get better. I just have to bear with it for now.
  2. This might be a sign of graft versus host attacking my lungs and causing coughing/infection. A CT scan is being arranged to look for scarring of the lungs.
  3. I am still not producing enough antibodies to fight infections. Not sure what the answer is here, but I have had a blood test to check for antibodies and wait to see what this shows.
Anyway, after a few great weeks of feeling almost normal and getting back jogging, walking the dog, etc, it's frustrating to have taken a step backwards. I'm looking forward to this going away and getting back to my more energetic ways.


  1. The road to recovery certainly has its ups and downs doesn't it Trev. Keep your chin up as you normally do and you'll hopefully be back to your energetic ways soon. Thinking of you D

  2. Hang in there my friend ..... you have a two year path ahead of you .... it will have ups and downs as you say ..... be good to yourself, be thoughtful and be patient.

    You will come to the end of it all and we will celebrate it!
