Sunday 24 January 2016

Hair fun

I've been going through the hairstyles a little these past few months. Back in September, I decided I wouldn't get it cut again until after Christmas - just to see what I looked like as a mophead (I used to be a mophead when I was a kid - a real beatles-type cut).
So I got a bit raggedy up until Christmas - I even had some small curls (sorry, no pics). Then after Christmas I had it cut - the intent being that I wanted people (especially the kids) to get used to seeing me with shorter and shorter hair. The next step on that process was this morning when I had the kids give me a #1 crew cut. They had a lot of fun doing it too (see below). The next hairstyle will be in about 3 week's time when I go bald. Then 6 weeks or so after that, it will start to grow back. Last time it grew back after chemo it came back thicker and darker - that's one of the good things about chemo. Weight loss is another good thing, as is increased private parts size (but that's another blog for another day!)


  1. Hello from the mountains of North Carolina-USA
    We are friends with Debbie and family to Donna Nally. Debbie has kept us up to date with your journey. We are praying for you and your family.
    Kaye and Barry Hall

    1. Thanks Kaye and Barry - good to have your support.

  2. Hey Keano, leave those nurses alone...
