Friday 29 January 2016

No sleep til Brooklyn

When I'm not jogging, volunteering, playing guitar, eating and drinking, I can occasionally be found playing guitar hero with the kids on their Wii. One of the songs we like to play is No Sleep Til Brooklyn by the Beastie Boys. It's fun watching a 5 and 10 year old hopping around to the tune.
I was thinking about this at 2.30 am this morning when I was finally unplugged from the drip after another full day of Campath- the itchy chemo. As I type, I'm having another attack of hives - particularly on the soles of my feet and between my toes (trying really hard not to scratch).
Anyway, back to last night. The joys of sharing a hospital room meant that just as I was drifting off to sleep around 3am, the guy in the next bed let off a ripper of a fart and a snort. That woke me up again I can tell you. I guess I now know how Sue feels after I've had a couple of pints 😄)
So, feeling tired now, but very comfortable. We've had breakfast and I'm enjoying a peaceful moment before the docs come around. I hope to have a better night's sleep tonight as it may be in my own bed. The lengthy chemo that takes 16 hours per day has finished, and the next 4 days will be just a quick hour-long infusion that is well tolerated by people, so if I'm not reacting to anything, I should be able to go home and come in every day until Tuesday. After that I will be back in for the duration - in my own room I'm happy to say, so I won't be troubled by smelly thunder in the night anymore (well, at least until I get home.....)


  1. Hey Trevski... still thinking on you, Beastie Boys... love it, guitar hero I am not though, that takes talent. Keep getting stronger mate... Shaun

  2. Trev! There is no worse nights sleep than one in hospital but I'm sure it'll be over in no time at all. Hang in there mate and you'll be back in your own bed watching box sets before you know it. I hadn't replied since my last post because of the time difference with Australia but it sounds like you're awake in the small hours of the morning anyway! Team O'Toole is thinking of you every day Trev and we're so glad you've still got your sense of humour in tact. Speak soon
