Friday 12 February 2016

Blood transfusion

I had two pints yesterday, of something that is creamy and thick and people say it's good for you. Not Guinness,  but blood ☺
My hemoglobin levels fell below a certain level, I guess one of the reasons that I was feeling tired, to they have topped me up.
I felt weird afterwards - all the way through to this morning I have had a low grade fever, felt very bloated and had a headache. So i didn't have the best night's sleep and I'm worried that I won't be in the mood for the party I've arranged with the nurses later.
Other than that, it all continues to go really well. The predicted infection and fever still hasn't happened, so I continue to confound the medical staff here. While that is good, one drawback is they won't give me paracetamol for my headache because they are saving it for my fever (you know, the one I'm not going to get).


  1. Bloated and had a headache... are you sure you've not been on the Guinness ?

  2. It's all that German lager running through your veins giving you a head ache. I hear it's much stronger than Guinness .......

    1. You could be right Linda. I was never able for the stronger German beers. It'll take a lot of work, but I'll just need to practice and practice until I can handle them better!
