Tuesday 16 February 2016

Counts moving up

Yesterday was a great day. I found out that my blood counts were finally rising. Day 11 - exactly the same as with my last transplant. I doubt I'll be out as quick this time, though, as they are either rising very slowly (platelets and white blood cells), not rising at all (neuts), or even still dropping (haemoglobin). A real mixed bag. Still, I am upbeat because it means the new marrow has engrafted and is producing something.
It's now 7am on Day 12 and I'm already having a blood transfusion. Two more pints for me today (these were supposed to be given to me yesterday, but they held off because my haemoglobin had raised slightly at that point).
At least I finally get to use my "count from sesame street" voice, ha ha ha ha haaaaa.


  1. Hoorah for the rising counts !

  2. Great news ! Saw this in the news today, may be of interest ? https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/feb/15/cancer-extraordinary-results-t-cell-therapy-research-clinical-trials?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Gmail

  3. Good news Trevor.It may take a while but you'll get there.
    Lots of people from the support group ( aka the Lynch mob !)have asked me to pass on good wishes.

  4. I think you need to switch to pints of Guinness instead of those platelet things. Your body is more used to that.
