Monday 8 February 2016

The aul doss

My Gran-auntie May used to say "you can't bate the aul doss" (for my non-Irish friends: bed is great). For the four years I lived with her while going to university, I totally agreed. We'd meet at breakfast sometime between nine and ten and then, more often than not, go back to the aul doss for another hour or so. God knows how I graduated (but I did!).
I was thinking about this at 6.30 this morning during my nurse's visit - there was a storm outside, the wind was howling and rain beating off the window. As soon as the nurse finished, I rolled over and went back to sleep.
I've had another comfortable and peaceful night and I'm feeling good so far, probably better as the effects of the chemo subside. I keep thinking that this can't last, but I am really grateful that so far (now on Day 4), I have no real concerns to report. The docs told me yesterday that I am now neutropenic,  and to expect an infection/fever or two as I have no immune system to protect me for the next 10 days or so. So each morning I wake up feeling OK,  I thank God for another good day and then plan my busy schedule. For everyone traveling to work in the UK and Ireland in the storm this morning, stay safe - even better, go back to the aul doss.


  1. I read this in the auld doss. #serendipity

  2. Great Auntie May was indeed a wise woman and shes still missed....
